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Apr 2, 2009

Cope With Allergies to Peanuts

Allergies towards peanuts are fairly common in the world today, and peanuts seems to be everywhere. These easy steps will show you how to avoid a allergic reaction.

If you're eating in a restaurant, ask if any of the food has come in contact with peanuts. This is a very important question to ask because most cases of peanut allergic reactions is due to consuming peanuts. You should always ask because you never know if your next allergic reaction will be deadly. Make sure people know about your allergy. Don't keep your allergy a secret; that's a disaster waiting to happen. Make sure people are familiar with you and your allergies. Tell them what will happen if you come in contact with peanuts, and what to do if you are incapacitated. This is extremely important! Always read food labels to check for peanuts. Seemingly tedious, this step is worth your time. Check for labeling that says 100% nut free or This product has come in contact with peanuts. Doing this will decrease your chances of having a preventable allergic reaction. Be familiar with foods that contain peanuts or nuts. Many foods seemingly without peanuts actually contain them or peanut oil: pastries, cakes, chocolate bars, and many more. Just make sure you know a lot of them.

Avoid foods you make think came in contact with peanuts. Foods made without peanuts can still pick up enough peanut product from being in contact with peanut-containing food to provoke a reaction. Don't take the chance of eating a food you don't know to be completely safe. Be sure of what you're eating. Just because someone claims that what they're giving you is peanut-free, it doesn't mean it may be completely safe for you. Not everyone will be as thorough a peanut-checker as you, and some people may not believe the danger that a peanut reaction can provoke. When offered unfamiliar foods or foods from different cultures, ask about the ingredient(s). Use this as an opportunity to gain a closer understanding of the different people and cultures.

Carry your allergic reaction supplies (like your epipen or any medication)in case of accidentally consuming peanuts.This article can apply to all different types of food allergies, not just peanuts.


here said...

Oak pollen allergy sufferers are quite familiar with the huge amounts of pollen that oak trees produce and the allergy symptoms that occur when oak pollen is high. The oak pollen pods resemble little worms and they release their pollen to be carried by the wind, while the pods fall and accumulate on the ground, almost like orangish-brown fuzzy snow. During the oak pollen season, the effects of the pollen are everywhere, with cars and windows covered with the orange-brown film the pollen creates.

April 4, 2013 at 2:13 AM
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