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GoldenRest Adjustable Beds

May 23, 2008

Connect With Your Community

Getting Involved in your community offers a host of benefits. It gives you a chance to use your talents, work with other cultures and increase your social network. Studies show that people who volunteer have higher life satisfaction and fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Get Involved.

Ask " What needs doing? Could your area use a book club for retirees? Start one. Are ditches full of garbage? Rally some friends and clean them.

Use your skills. If you enjoy reading, work with student learning English as a second language.

Take action. If there's a community problem you'd like to help solve, join start a committee- or even run for public office.

Get your family and friends involved. Find projects you can do as a group. deliver meals to shut-ins or serve dinner at homeless, shelter with your friends.


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