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Jan 21, 2009

Is it Golodomor or Holodomor?

Few years ago I got to watched this movie called " Shiender List". It's a movie about Hitler killing the Jews . Making the Jews work so hard without making them eat any food. If the Jews get so skinny and cannot perform their job any longer, Hitler will order to kill them. It was a very sad movie. Take note, that movie is based on real life. The holodomor remind me of the movie.

Here is the facts about the holodomor. The Soviet famine of 1932-1933 affected most major grain-producing agricultural areas of the Soviet Union, including Northern Caucasus, Volga Region, South Urals, West Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. The Communist governments of the Soviet Republics siezed grains from the peasantry and exported most of their Republic's agricultural output to the West in order to sustain the rapid economic transformation - "Industrialization" and "Collectivization" - policy designed by Joseph Stalin.

The term 'Golodomor' means the «mass hunger» or the «great hunger» that caused million of victims throughout the Soviet Union in 1932-1933.
Scholars estimate about 6-8 million peasants deaths during the famine of 1932-1933:
Central Russia - 2 million,Kazhastan - 1.7 million,Ukraine - 1.3 million,North, Caucasus -1 million.

Was the Golodomor a genocide?

Some Ukrainian politicians, including Viktor Yuschenko, have recently argued that the famine may have been designed as an attack on Ukraine, and therefore, should fall under the legal definition of genocide. However, the attempt by Ukrainian nationalists to manipulate the historical facts in order to make Europe recognize the 'Goldomor' as 'genocidal famine' did not find the support among the EU members. European scholars and politicians agreed that the famine of 1932-1933 in the Soviet Union was NOT an attempt to destroy the Ukrainian nation, but an ineffective economic policy of the Communist governments of the Republics of the Soviet Union.

Golodomor or Holodomor?

Since Viktor Yuschenko assumed power over Ukraine back in 2004 in the revote (52% to 44%), his approval rating has been decreasing significantly and is now below 10%. In order to keep his electorate under control and alleviate social tensions, the political populist Yuschenko decided to unite the frustrating Ukrainian nation against the common enemy , Soviet Union (and Russia). In order to politicize the issue of 'golodomor' and attract as much world's attention as possible, the word 'golodomor' have been transformed into 'holodomor' making it looks and sounds like 'holocaust', and therefore, could be considered as a genocide. However, the European Parliament in its resolution on 23 October 2008 rejected to call the famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as "an act of genocide" but a crime that was "cynically and cruelly planned by Stalin's regime in order to force through the Soviet Union's policy of collectivization of agriculture".


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