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GoldenRest Adjustable Beds

Dec 1, 2008

Balance Work and Going to the Gym

Making physical activity part of your routine starts with the right mindset.

   Set your mind about going to the gym as a necessity, not a optional activity. Your body is the most important thing you own. If you go to work, even when you don't feel like it to maintain the things you own; you can certainly go to the gym, even when you don't feel like it, to maintain your body.
    Make it all one trip. If possible go to the gym before your workday begins, bring all that you need for work so you can head to work after you shower. Alternatively bring you gym gear to work and hit the gym on your return home.
    Make it a lunch. If your work is close to your gym, head over for a lunch time workout. If possible negotiate a longer lunch hour with your boss by coming in earlier or staying later to make up the extra time.
     Associate the gym with positive thoughts. Before arriving at the gym, close your eyes and visualize the happiest moment of your life. Picture it in all it's details, focus on how you felt at that moment. While visualizing squeeze your wedding finger and your thumb together. Continue this for several minutes. When you're in the gym you'll be able to recall the positive emotions by squeezing your thumb and ring finger together.


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