Daing (Dried fish)
Yesterday, I cooked some chicken apritada (chicken stew Philippine style) for dinner, and also I cooked three pieces dried fish that I bought from the oriental mini mart. Since it was cold outside and I was kind of lazy to cooked it outside, so I decided to cooked it inside. I turn on the exhaust fan, I light up candles, spray febreeze all over the house hoping that the odor will would not be obvious. But, I was wrong, the dried fish odor won, I haven't cooked dried fish for long,long,long,long time. I end up opening the main door and spray that febreeze again. The odor it went away, but it took some time. I would not be frying any dried fish anytime soon. ,
The good side of cooking that dried fish was that my daughter loves it. She was hesitant about putting it on her mouth at first, but when she tasted it, she said she love it, infact she eat it with rice, at she was asking for more (humihirit pa)! I told here if I go back to the oriental mini mart I will buy some more, but this time we will cook it out back. Dried fish, smells but its darn good though! LOL
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