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GoldenRest Adjustable Beds

Dec 30, 2008

Choose a Dress for New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is a big enough night without the added stress of worrying about choosing the perfect dress. Here's a simple guide to help.
    List some stores you want to go in, and your shopping budget. Write down your thoughts about hemlines and necklines. Do you want a short prom style dress, or a long evening gown? It's also a good idea to think about colors which suit you. For New Years Eve, its usually better to pick "party colors" when buying a dress, such as gold, silver, purple, maroon, navy and black. Set some time aside for shopping. A good time to buy your dress is after Christmas, as shops are usually quiet then. It's best to avoid the first two days straight after Christmas though as stores are crowded because of the sales. December 28th or 29th are good days to go.
    Choose a dress which will suit whatever event your going to. If your going to a party which will have fireworks, buy a shrug or stylish shawl to go over what your wearing for when you go outside. If you know you'll be staying inside, then you probably won't need one. If the entire party is going to be hosted outdoors, a dress past the knee with cap sleeves may be an appropriate choice. Dress accordingly.
    Make sure the dresses fabric is suitable. Satin and cotton are good choices, however linen or suede may be less appropriate.
    Think about decoration. Bows, sequins, embroidery, and beads all look pretty on dresses, however certain types of decoration suit certain dresses. Embroidery is more suited to classical evening gowns, whereas bows can look better on prom dresses.
     Make sure your dress isn't too long or tight to dance in, if you're going to be dancing.
     Choose a matching or similar color to your dress for your handbag or clutch bag.
     Keep jewelry simple. It shouldn't outshine your dress, just accessorise it. Stick to silver or gold, and wear a maximum of three pieces.
     Have fun!


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