What Make You Happy & What Make You Sad
A tag from Bonz located at Little Zoie’s Steps Website.
Here are the Rules:
1. List things that makes you happy and what makes you sad.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs.
3. Tag other online friends you know… Toni, Jeng, Emz, Sherryl, Janis, Mommy Elvz, bonz,Life Is What You Make It you.
*When My kids & family are Happy.
*Everytime I talk to my family in Philippines.

What Makes me sad?
When I don't hear my kids voice on the phone.
Everyone is free to grab this tag and pass it on.

hi, sis!
September 28, 2008 at 10:19 PMthanks for doing the tag!
super hyper ni little zoie... all of my time is really looking after her.
how are you, btw?
how's your kids?
'till next time, sis!
Little Zoie's Steps
Simply Fabulous
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