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Holiday shopping guide

Gift CardsBefore you hit the shopping mall, hit the gift card mall. In most cases you don't even have to leave your own neighborhood. Safeway, QFC and some major drugstores sell gift cards for movies, the Mariners, bookstores, dozens of major department stores, even Disneyland and eBay.Right off the bat, you're...
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Stalked by a cell phone: Who's spying on you?

For most of us, the cell phone is our lifeline, but in the wrong hands it's can be a high-tech snooping device.Somebody could be watching or listening with software that could turn your cell phone into their eyes and ears to track your every move. "Your phone can basically spy on you in a heartbeat," says security...
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Unusual ocean conditions force Sea Launch to call off launch

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sea Launch Co.'s oceangoing launch platform and control ship were sailing back from the equator to their home port Tuesday after unusually strong Pacific currents and winds stymied the company's attempt to put a commercial satellite into orbit for the first time since a damaging rocket explosion...
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How to Prevent Identity Theft

The best way to prevent identity theft is to protect your identification and financial information from prying eyes. Don’t keep all of your identification and financial information in one place and never write down your PIN (personal identification numbers) anywhere. The same thing goes for Internet passwords...
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What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft, also known as ID theft is a crime in which a criminal obtains key pieces of personal information, such as Social Security or driver's license numbers, in order to pose as someone else. The information can be used to obtain credit, merchandise, and services using the victims’ name. Identity theft...
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What do we need to know about AIDS/HIV?

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is deadly if left untreated. An HIV infection damages the immune system, your body's defense against disease and infection. A person can die from "opportunistic" infections from bacteria, viruses and other types of microscopic...
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What is AIDS? What causes AIDS?

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.An HIV-positive person receives an AIDS diagnosis after developing one of the CDC-defined AIDS indicator illnesses. An HIV-positive person can also receive an AIDS diagnosis on the basis of certain blood tests (CD4 counts) and may not have experienced any serious...
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Dancing with the star

I have been watching Dancing with the star for four season. Last night was a shocking night . Jenny and Derek was my favorite couple and they shouldn't have been voted. DWTS is became a joke. It was supposed to be about the talent not papularity. I've had just about enough of the Marie Osmond saga. It has gone...
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You can Lower your risk for heart disease and stroke

If you have diabetis, you are high risk for having a heart attack or stroke. Heart disease strikes people with diabetis more than twice as often as it strikes people without diabetis. It hits them earlier in life and it hits them harder. In fact, two out of three people with diabetis die from heart disease or...
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Family and Holiday Stress

Some of our greatest stress during the holidays comes from falling short of our own expectations. Images of happy, harmonious families surround us, and those images reach fever pitch around the holidays.We are led to believe that other families get together and share great love and joy, in a picture-perfect setting....
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Ways to get ready for Thanksgiving

With just six days until we slice our turkey, watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and cheer on our favorite football teams, now is the time to start planning ways to make your Thanksgiving celebration go as smoothly as possible. Here are some ways you can do right now to start...
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Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery - Avoid bad plastic surgery today by reading this article! Plastic Surgery The world has changed so much in the last few decades. Although plastic surgery has had a long history that dates back to ancient times, it was considered a fringe part of society until now. However, plastic surgery has...
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My son's Poem

This is my son's Poem. I found it amazing, sometimes we dont realized how little kids mind work. My Best friend Gldays had already post it on her website but I thought about Posting it on my website and here it is. I HATE MONDAYS!!! Monday morning I woke up in bed,Looked at the clock and it said'...
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Oil Rising up everyday

Oil prices continue to shatter all previous records, climbing above $98 a barrel this morning in what many analysts say is a run up to $100.As the price of crude rises, the cost of filling up at the pump is really starting to drain a lot of wallets.Normally, gas pumps see the price per gallon drop in the fall,...
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Living a Life of Joy

How do you know when you’re living your purpose? When your present moments begin to feel perfect.When you live on purpose, your relationship with time changes dramatically. You’ll no longer be looking for happiness somewhere in the future. You’ll stop saying to yourself, “Once X...
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