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GoldenRest Adjustable Beds

Back from Blogging world

It has been over a year since my I'd written in my blog. What's going on with my world? That is a big question that sometime I could not answer. Let's go back over a year ago. I had to relocate to North Central Washington to get close to my kids. I found a job here and decided to stay. So many things happened in people lives like mines that could not explain sometimes. But I know that, with those circumstances in life will shortly answer, no matter...
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Mellow Yellow Monday

This is a late post for my Mellow Yellow Monday. It's not Tuesday yet so..here it is. This picture was taken in Philippines last week during my dad Minister seminar In La Union beach he attended. My kids cousin took this picture of sun going down. It's amazing isn't it. Breath taking.To...
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Sky Watch Friday

Here are my photos for today's Sky Watch. Yesterday's weather was predicted to be nice and sunny. The sun came out in the morning for a little bit then the cloud set in again. Sprinkles a little bit, weird weather I must say.. but by the end of the day, the weather cooperate, was...
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Mellow Yellow Monday

Here my Mellow Yellow entry for today. My latest, it is made of mother of pearl, and multi-color glass beads and cut up chain. To join Mellow Yellow Monday just click on the badge abo...
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Action-comedy The Date Night

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of 20th Century Fox. All opinions are 100% mine.I love to watch all sort of movies. I'm usually the first in line for some movies that I really want to watch. There's nothing quite like going to the movie theater. The sonorous explosions...
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Mellow Yellow Monday

It is Mellow yellow monday once again. Here is my photo entry for today's Mellow Yellow Monday. It is a picture of my kids eating, took them to Denny's for branch. My son decided to have a double meat cheese burger. It was not an ordinary cheese burger that you can get at MCDO..it...
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Vegetable Soup from Scratch

A hearty bowl of vegetable soup is a great way to start a meal, or even a great meal by itself! This article will show you the easy way to make a vegetable soup that will have your friends raving. A large can of tomato soup. Vegetables - onions, carrots, celery, cabbage, corn, etc. Seasoning - salt,...
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Dark Purple Glass Beads

Here is one of my latest design. Its a dark and light purple bracelet and earring glass beads with sterling silver chain and lobters earring claw. To visit mor of my fashion jewelry go to Jane's Fashion Jewel...
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Website Design Services in Ottawa

Are you about to start a website but you are not sure what website design is proper for your need? The you should try website design Ottawa. Choose from 70 templates to boosten up your website. It's cheap and affordable. So visit the link now and choose your desi...
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