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Mellow Yellow Monday

Its Yellow Mellow Monday once again, It's the 30th day of November. Days goes so fast. As I was preparing my kids breakfast this morning, thinking what would be my entry for yellow Monday? Then my eye caught the desk calendar and hey! The frame is yellow ,so I took a picture and...
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Enter To Win Freebies

WHo would not want some free stuff? Do you know that you can win free stuff that you can use yourself? At Like it win it you will WIN Free Stuff just by entering and leaving a comments for some of their memorable prizes. Ilikeitwinit.com have great prizes you can win. Just simply...
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My meal fro Lunch

This what I have for lunch today, with rice of course. This is made from philippines, it is called fork Longganisa, since I haven't have philippine for a while, I thought about cooking it today,I like it with rice.I don't feel like cooking any large amount of food today, since...
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Professional Haircare and Skin Care

Beauty, now that is a word that is strictly in the eyes of the beholder. And that old saying pretty is, is pretty does stands true too. However, we all want to look our best, that is most people do. As far as women goes that naturally inner glow can come to the surface, by feeling...
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Mommy Moment: Chore Time

The entry for this week mommy moments is about chore. I don't have any recent picture of my kids doing chore but while doing my photo hunt I found this old picture of my son justin at our old home.This was when he was 2 years old wanting to do dishes, so I let him. My kids have chore...
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Black Friday

The biggest shopping day of the year! To self-proclaimed "shopaholics", this day is an early Christmas, the day we look forward to all year. The day where everything is on sale. Oh, Happy Day!The point is if you are planing on going out on this mad day in hopes of finding most of your Christmas gifts, there are...
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Avoid Gaining Weight over Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving doesn't mean unavoidable weight gain! Put in some planning time, learn to re frame your attitude towards the Thanksgiving foods themselves, and you're headed for more Holiday enjoyment and less Holiday overloading.Volunteer to host the Thanksgiving festivities. You'll be in charge of the menu, and...
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To make it clear I don't drink, only if I want to try something that I never had before. I had try red wine, margarita, strawberry daquiri. ( I am not sure if that is how you spell it but sound good). But Mojito is by far my favorite alcohol drink I ever had. A special friend got...
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Mellow YellowMonday- Fried Rice

My Mellow Yellow Photo for today is fried rice. Look yummy isn't it? Fried rice can have anything from vegetables to eggs added in it for flavor. Making Fried Rice is very simple. If you want to try to make an easy meal try fried ri...
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Meaning in Life

Why am I Here? What is the meaning of life? What should I do with my life? These are questions that everyone asks themselves at one time or another, but the answers are often fleeting or misguided. Find out how inquisitive and trusting you are. Many people find religious belief systems more than adequate to fill...
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Mommy Moments!

I just join Mommy moment and the theme this week is Yummy. Here is my mommy moment! I had shared this photos a month ago, I think and I would like to use it again at this moment.This pictures was taken in June, when it was hot and ice cream was just perfect for the weather. My daughter's...
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Accept Mistakes and Learn from Them

Are you tired of being scolded all over again by your parents because of your grades, relationships, or other problems? Get your paper and pens out for some listing on what to do. These steps shouldn't be painful, but there are always obstacles to change.Never lie. Lying may save you for now, but the truth always...
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Recreate Your Life

Have you recently come to the abrupt realization that your life isn't anything close to what you wanted it to be? Whether it's spurred by a mid-life crisis, a near-death experience, a psychedelic epiphany, or a painful separation, here's how to change the direction that your life is heading. Try to remember what...
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Bringing Back Memories.

There are times when you just sitting back and doing nothing and things just pop out in your mind and start smiling? That was just happened to me! My life in Philippines when I was younger. I remember when my grandparents was still alive and I was like in elementary school. I used to visit my grandparents and...
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Sauna Oil Blend

If you enjoy taking a sauna on a regular basis, you will be well aware of the energizing and cleansing benefits. To assist the detoxing process encouraged by being in a sauna, it is helpful to use a sauna oil blend that can be thrown on the sauna coals along with the water. The aroma that will be emitted will...
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Avoid Gaining Weight over Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving doesn't mean unavoidable weight gain! Put in some planning time, learn to re frame your attitude towards the Thanksgiving foods themselves, and you're headed for more Holiday enjoyment and less Holiday overloading. Volunteer to host the Thanksgiving festivities. You'll be in charge of the menu, and...
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Free copy of wholesale merchandise magazine

Retailersforum.com is a FORUM PUBLISHING has been providing information and resources since 1981. Retailersforum.com business has been dedicated to providing the most accurate and reliable sources available anywhere...at any price!Within this site you will find Wholesale Merchandise Magazine suppliers for general,...
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Withdrawal Amount @ SS Has Changed!

As I was about to withdraw some money on my SS account today, I'd noticed that the amount you are required to withdraw has changed. It changed from $20.00 to $50.00.I never heard about the changes, or maybe I missed it. I am not sure if any one noticed about the changes or just me. Still not clear about th...
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Kids School Picture

I just wanted to share my kids school picture this year. They look so grown, soon my son would be attending school dance.This is my son justin, he is in 7th grade, he is twelve turning 13 in December. He love playing video game and DSI. He is very active and creative that he can...
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Personal DNA Testing

People use DNA testing in so many different way. Some people use DNA test to find where their ancestors came from , their real parents if they are adopted or people uses DNA testing for medical reason. Do you know that you can do DNA test done in the comfort of your home? That is where cygenedirect.com comes...
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Geico Pothole Commercial

This is my favorite commercial of all. Every time this commercial comes on TV, I just cannot stop laughing. This commercial make my day, I just can't stop giggling about this commercial. Great! oh shoot.. i got no phone cause im a pothole sooooo K B...
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Improve Your Love Life by Improving Your Health

A lot of people say they'd like to have a super love life, but it all boils down to the question, "Are you willing to work for it?" Consider your health. In a world where most people would choose a twinkie over an apple, you'll have to be the one who has the wisdom and willpower to choose the apple. In a world...
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Chocolate Gift Baskets

Are you ready for Holiday? Christmas Holiday is just around the corner. Do you want a perfect gift for Christmas? Any special occasion is definitely incomplete without gifts but finding unique gifts is very difficult. Intentionalchocolate.com have the perfect gift for any occasions. Introducing chocolate gift...
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Be Confident when You're Petite

Ever feel uncomfortable as a person on the shorter side? There are certain ways how to overcome that! Wear high heels. It is amazing what a couple more inches will do for a person. Choose a haircut that compliments your face and frame. Long thick straight hair can end up making you look shorter, while short curly...
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Begin a Natural Skin Care Regime

Preparing your own organic skin care treatments using common items found right in your own kitchen or garden can be just as, or more effective as the ones you can buy and represent quite a cost savings. Begin by taking an inventory of potential natural skin care ingredients available...
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Enjoy Life

Life is not enjoyable only when you've taken the wrong path and slowly lost confidence, or when you are no longer happy with yourself. If this sounds like your life, you need to fix it! 1. Learn to be positive! If you keep moaning about your life, other people will only notice the bad aspects of your character...
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First Day Of Basket Ball Practice

Yesterday was my daughter's first day to practice for their basketball team. She was so excited and cannot wait for the time to come. She really loves basketball, she is on it every year. She cannot wait for next Wednesday practiceHere is two of her picture, about ready to go for...
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Live Life to the Fullest

Life is short. So, live it to the fullest! Enjoy all that it has to offer. Let's get started: 1. Seize each day. Live each day as if it's your last. Leave the past behind and do not anticipate the future. Be present to enjoy the moment. 2. Be adventurous. Explore, live on the edge a little and embrace new...
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Constancio Padilla National High School

I was surfing the web, and I found this video on youtube. My high school back home (philippines). I'd graduate high school at Constancio Padilla National High School in San Jose City , Nueva Ecija. Watching this video made me so home sick and brought back memories when I was in high school. Nakakaiyak, parang...
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Simplify Your Life

Wish your life could run more smoothly? Life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs. Life may never be hassle free, but it can be simplified. Teach independence. Teach your children and partner to be more responsible for themselves. Free your time. Record your day. Log on a calendar or in a notebook....
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Family Room

Since every family member brings a little of himself to this room, it can often become a jumble of activities and stuff. Create storage for each activity, whether it's reading, playing games, watching TV, paying bills or playing with a pet.Develop Zone: Be realistic about how everyone uses this room. Give each...
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Top Ten EC Dropper

I would like to say thank you once again to all my top EC dropper for the last 31 days. I appreciate all the visit, I hope you will continue to stop by. Than you guys!Mom's Place iTravel My Life's Perception and Inspiration Entertainment and Fashion Galore Cacai's Steps and...
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