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Pledge Of Success

Wednesday was my kids first day of school. Today is Friday so school is so far so good. Not many assignment. With my second day of my daughter's school she toked this pamphlet from their class it Called "Pledge Of Success". She dad to memorized it and then they have to say it to...
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Choose an Engagement Ring

You've found the girl of your dreams, and you are going to pop the question...just as soon as you do what every man dreads: pick out the ring. That quest can cause a lot of stress. So here are a few steps to help you out. Next time you're in the mall, take her by some jewelry stores and just browse the engagement...
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Simple First Day of School

Must people think that middle school is intimidating but it really isn't. Make a great first impression. Every teacher starts the first day of school with introductions, but teachers don’t usually tell the students much about themselves. Start your introductions with you as the centerpiece. Bring in a decorate...
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First Day Of School

Today are my kids first day of school. My daughter was trill to go back to school but my son isn't. They said boys are always like that, I am not sure why boys does not like school that much. But certainly my son does not like school. When I walk them to school this morning he does...
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US Senator Ted Kennedy Died

I was watching news at msnnbc and the breaking news came on saying senator Ted Kennedy has died late Tuesday early Wednesday. It is very devastating news, but we all knew that he was diagnose of brain tumor in May'09. Sen. Ted Kennedy, 77, has died after his battle with brain cancer...
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Bake Red Velvet Cupcakes

Have you always wanted to make a special dessert that's not only delicious, but easy? Well this is how to make red velvet cupcakes with vanilla cream cheese frosting! These are the same moist little cakes, with a twist - vanilla cream cheese frosting. This easy recipe is fun, fast, and tastes great!Ingredients:...
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Keep a Cut Apple from Turning Brown

When you cut open an apple, an enzyme (tyrosinase) in the flesh reacts with oxygen to turn polyphenols into melanin (the same pigment that makes you tan). Here's how to halt the process so your apples stay bright and white. Choose apples that are less prone to browning. A study found that Arangeh tend to brown...
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Nail Make Over

Today I bought some nail stuff for my daughter. Here is a photos of her nail after I put the nail and nail polish, star,heart stickers and finishing polish. She love and adores ...
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Yesterday tooked my kids to see the G-Force movie. Which is an action adventure, Armed with the latest high-tech spy equipment, a covert team of highly trained guinea pigs discover that the fate of the world is in their paws. Tapped for the G-FORCE are guinea pigs Darwin, the squad leader determined to succeed...
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Mommy Bloggers

Watch Ted Murphy's interview the CEO of IZEA.com at FoX 35 in Orlando. Watch how he reveal how Mommy bloggers make money bloggi...
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Dentist Visit

Today was my daughter Avory's dentist visit at 2:30 PM. We just made it on time, 3 minutes 'til 2:30 . She had her teeth cleaned, she brushes her teeth everyday but yet still missed some spots. She missed some flakes on the front, but the dentist said that she did a great job brushing...
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dNeero Flash Embed V2 Test

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Saturday Fun In the Carnival

Saturday, spent all day with my kids with my daughter's friend at the carnival in Wenatchee WA.I purchase a bracelet for them to ride any ride they want all day long.Here a shot of my son Justin. Seems like he was enjoying the ride. And here they are riding the some kind of ship...
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Pardon me for not Blog Hopping

I would like to apologized to all my blogger friend for I haven't blog hop for a quiet sometime. Just been busy with things lately . Be patient with me, I will be visiting you all blogs as soon as I can. Thank you for always stopping by and I will see you guys so...
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Mother & Daughter Moment

While strolling down town Cashmere yesterday, we stopped by at the play ground at the Vale Elementary ( Cashmere WA) for my daughter wanted to play for a bit. So here are the picture I toked yesterday. I look so tired on this picture.*********************************************Here...
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Small Town Of Cashmere

My daughter and I spend early evening walking down town Cashmere yesterday. Cashmere is a small town at North Central WA. Home of Aplets & Cotlets. The geographic center of Washington. Cashmere Washington Facts:Incorporated 1904Population 2,714Elevation 895Average Annual Precipitation...
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My Lady Bug & Scoobydo

Just wanted to share a picture that I found when my kid were little. They were playing dressed up. My son Justin costume was scoobydo and my daughter Avory was a lady bug. They had f...
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USA Coverage

Having some sort of insurance is very important. From auto, health, life, home insurance. Even pet need to have insurance to go to the vet. Usacoverage.com covering 50 States, and quoting hundreds of insurance plans from the most trusted Insurance Companies, USA Coverage specializes in providing exceptional consulting...
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Participate in the Cash for Clunkers Program

You may have heard about the Cash for Clunkers program in the United States, but have questions about how to participate. This article seeks to answer those questions, and hopefully get you into a newer, more fuel-efficient vehicle. Decide that you actually want to trade your current vehicle in.If your car...
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Stop Taking Things Personally

Does someone else's bullying personality make you feel like you're worthless? Do you mistake people's antics for subtle insults? This article will highlight some ways in which you can remain unaffected by others' opinion of you, whether it's a weird look, a teasing remark, or direct criticism. Give the benefit...
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Enhance Your Beauty and Looks

Ever wanted to become more natural and see how beautiful you really are? Here's how to enhance your natural beauty. All these will lead to a healthy mind, and therefore a healthy and beautiful body/face. Visualize. You need to visualize the specific changes if you truly want to change your look. What will...
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Sears Campus Ready

We all know that Social Networking is very popular, you can coonect with family and friends vy using face book, tweeter etc. Sears CampusReady is at face book. School is just around the corner, if you haven't have any account at face book, sign up now and get connect with sears campus...
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Spread Ther Love

I was tagged by Imelda at My daily thoughts & Moods . Thanks mel, for including me on your list. I appreciate your friendship. Thanks once again.Let's us all spread love not hate. Let us learn to love each other despite our differences in race, religion, beliefs and upbringing....
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Track of Your Keys

There are arguably few things worse than the sinking feeling you get when you return home only to find that you have lost the key to your house. Even if this hasn't happened to you, you've probably at least found yourself in a rush to leave home but unable to find where you left your keys. Don't worry. If you...
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Credit Card/Personal Loan

Need loan or any kind of cash? From personal loan to auto loan you can have the fast cash you are looking for @CreditLoan on Twitter . Visit the link above and apply for any kind of loan you need. Bad credit okay.And hey!Creditloan is using Twitter. Twitter is a free service that...
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Blu Angels Soar

Today is the seafair finale. eople all over came to see the roaring sky causes by blu angels. I-90 has been closed for the show,the roaring in the sky and water will wake you up to the festivities.The closure times were First Closure: 9:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Closure: 1:15 p.m....
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EC Top Clicks

It's time of the month again that we need to take time and say thank you to all my top ten EC dropper for the month of July. I appreciate all your effort for dropping on this blog. Hope you all can come back again. Once again thank you so muchMom's Place Remixmax Basic Bloganomics My Life's Perception and...
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