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Gift For Special Occasion

Mother's Day is Coming Up! Why not make this one the best Mother's Day she's ever had?t can be nerve-wracking finding the perfect gift for the wide range of gift-giving occasions that we are faced with each year. Finding a gift that the recipient will like, enjoy and use takes a...
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Thank's Dhemz

Hey guys! What do you think with my NEW templates? Cute isn't it? I love it! A friend of mine designed it. Demcy is so creative and talented. I don't know how to thank her. I can't imagine how hard it is to create this template!But she did it, I must say, she did a darn good job! Anyway... I have to get used...
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5 Facts About Me

Saturday tag named "5 facts about me". This tag has been given by me from Khaye . Thanks Khaye for passing me this tag. I appreciate it. Here are the rules:1. Post these rules on your blog.2. Share 5 facts about yourself.3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their name...
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How to Find a True Friend

Sometimes you just want someone to talk to, dang it. Here's some very basic tips to help you form a real friendship. Find a ways to meet people. Google some of your interests, and read your local newspaper for events. There are tons of groups of people who meet weekly/monthly and talk about things that you're...
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Paid TO Click

Hi guys... I found anotherway to make extra dough. It is very simple just visit ,Paid To Click sign up, in every ad you get from PTC cost $1, and if someone sign up through you, you will be credited $10.00. I just sign up for this PTC the other day and I already made $50.00. If you...
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How to Find Your Perfect Fitting Designer Jeans or Top Brand Jeans

Finding your perfect fitting designer jeans or top brand jeans is not easy. It is like finding a needle in a haystack. So many jeans that you don't know which to choose and whether they will fit? Look around and see what other women are wearing. Observe the style that you like, for example do you like the...
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Buy Comfortable Skinny Jeans

Maybe your jeans are big. Maybe a little too big? Maybe you're tired of your boxers showing, or you're just plain tired with your look. This Article is for the people who want to buy a comfortable pair of skinnies with ease. Skinny Jeans are used by Rock Stars, Skaters, Emos, and yes, Preps. Find the skinnies....
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whoCelebsTweet.com - Celebrities on Twitter

Twitter is all the rage these days. WhoCelsbsTweet.com allows you to see what celebs are saying and who they're saying it abo...
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Organize Your Home

Is clutter driving you crazy? An organized lifestyle can mean efficiency in your day and a more relaxing time while at home. Begin by making a list of items needed in each area, keeping in mind that you want to have less to maintain in the future. Keep items closest to where they will be used. Store like items...
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Best Of Time

Choosing your watch such as Rolex is no different than choosing your wardrobe. Most important is to stick within your comfort zone and your personal fashion style. That said, it never hurts to step out of the box once in awhile.What's most important is that your jewelry matches up with your outfit. What you wear...
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How to Be a Better Driver

Good drivers are both common and uncommon. It is possible you might encounter rash teenagers to truck drivers to overly-cautious senior citizens-- yet all contribute to how we can learn to be better drivers. FOCUS! Paying attention to the traffic around you, frequently surveying your mirrors, and anticipating...
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SpitzTunes -- Boyle-n' Over!

Do you think powerful concert mania equates to great singers?" "Do you enjoy outdoor summer concerts or do you find them packed and crazy?" "How much would you pay for a ticket to see Michael Jackson in concert?" "When does mania go over the to...
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What's Wrong With People!

Watching the news is my daily routine. That keep me tub on what is going on with the world. Every time I turn the TV on, all I can hear is either the economy isn't doing well or child has been killed or kidnapped. What is wrong with people! What do they get on killing innocent children. It is making me sick,...
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I give Up

Well! I had taken some opps that were available for me to post from SS, and it was all approve. On November of last year SS started rejecting my posts until now. I give up... no matter what kind of correcting I have to do, my posts still get rejected. Even though I had corrected them and stuff ,but still no luck....
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Interpret Personality by Looking at Someone's Room

Are you interested in psychology? Have you ever wanted to psycho-analyze someone? This article will teach you how to learn about someone, just by looking at their room!First some info that will help you with interpretations: Many people consciously or unconsciously make their bedroom decorated in a fashion that...
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Perfect Training For Your Dog

Dog training program is an important decision that you make for your dog. Training a pet on our own can be so difficult, we sometimes felt like giving up because of our dog behaviors people train proactively, getting their dog involved in training before a problem emerges. Others want to teach their dog some...
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Post Comment Working Finally!

After all the work and prostrating comment setting editing, my post comment link is finally working. I just want to thank you guys for all your help. Now, everyone can leave a comment on my post.... that is if you want too. Again.....thanks for your he...
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Web Development Company

Interested in designing a website, but need some guidance?Choosing the right designer for your small business can be hard, if you do not know what you should look for. There are simple guides that you can use to make sure you ask the right questions and make an educated decision every time. Find a website design...
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Still Not Working

I tried fixing my post comment link yesterday, but I don't have any luck! My friends cannot comment on my post still. I tried changing the comment setting, but still not working. I would appreciate it , if someone could help me with this. Tried several tactic but no luck. Blogspot doesn't like me anymore :(.Anyway.....
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Create a Healthy Lifestyle

A lifestyle is a long-term and sustainable approach to health and fitness. It stands in opposition to a diet; stressing a holistic solution to the barrage of challenges facing us in living a healthy life. The lifestyle has three interdependent prongs. 1. Nutrition: We should consume, according to the latest...
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Post Comment

My apology to all, for some reason the comment link on my post wasn't not working. I made some changes, hopefully my friend would be able to post their comment. I just log in and saw a bunch of message on my cbox from my friend saying that my post comment was not working. So I check my setting and made some change.That...
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Spring Blossom

I just wanted to share some photos of some spring flowers that I took yesterday. I know that they are tulips, different kind of tulips but the purple bush down below... I was not sure what they call it. Anyway here are some of the phot...
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Log Furniture

Are you thirsty for something new? Ever wanted that new look for your room, but have no clue where to start? Whether it's your living room, bedroom, parlor, or hallway. Tired of your boring old bedroom? Your room should be a sanctuary of your own. A place where you can escape from all the drama in your life....
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Limit Your Exposure to Lead

Lead, also known as Pb on the periodic table or plumbum in Latin, has been widely used for about 7000 years because of its weight and soft properties. Only recently have studies shown its negative effects on human health, including damage to the central nervous system, stunted growth, and decreased IQ in children....
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Make a Fun Easter Basket

Easter is a fun time of year for the children. There is nothing like crafting an old-fashioned basket by hand to get their Easter off to a good start. This is an easy and very traditional Easter project. Set you up a work area, and assemble the Things You'll Need. Cut a piece of construction paper to wrap around...
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Decide What to Do on Your Birthday Outing

Are you having trouble deciding what to do on your birthday? The possibilities and factors can sometimes be overwhelming--this article may help you get over these worries and make the birthday party fun and enjoyable. First, consider your budget--this may rule out some more extravagant party ideas. Consider,...
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What Is Umoo?

UMOO is the leading fantasy stock trading game, offering the thrill and profit opportunity of the financial markets in a unique competitive format.It's an alternative, virtual stock market game contest where risk is minimal and the opportunity to win is real.Traders pay a fee (buy-in) in order to enter a tournament...
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Avoid Getting Sick from Food when Traveling

Here are some home remedies to prevent stomach related illnesses while traveling in places with poor sanitation. Add a cupful of white vinegar to every 8oz of water, this creates an acidic environment that most microbes can't live in (kills germs but does NOT eliminate toxins) AND the accumulation of vinegar...
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The Earth ... You Touch It ... Then What?

This convo is about our feet. You've probably heard the expression "Come down to earth." ... well, when we get there, those two dangling appendages that stay in constant contact with the earth, can be the cause of pain. Most of us put up with it, and for some of us it becomes unbearab...
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My Daughter Look All Grown Up

This is my daughter Avory, she is 9 years old. Looking so grown ...
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Avoid Getting Dry Eyes from the Computer

People are staring at computer screens more and more. This gives you dry eyes, but luckily, the problem is only short-term and can be avoided in the first place. Blink. People blink at least half as much as normal when staring at the computer screen, because people usually squint and your eyes are not made for...
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Cope With Allergies to Peanuts

Allergies towards peanuts are fairly common in the world today, and peanuts seems to be everywhere. These easy steps will show you how to avoid a allergic reaction. If you're eating in a restaurant, ask if any of the food has come in contact with peanuts. This is a very important question to ask because most...
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February EC Dropper

I would like to thank everyone below for never ending drop through my EC. I appreciate all the visit. I will pay you a visit as well. Once again thanks for my February Ec dtopper.Dropper # of dropsSilver Sachet -----------------------25Gems by Jerri------------------------17Alterity Art...
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Make Money On The Internet

So you want to ditch your corporate cubicle and join the ranks of web workers? But you have a mortgage, maybe a dependent or two, and a taste for Venti Mochas from Starbucks? You can make money in the new economy, though it might not be as easy or cushy as keeping your old economy job. I am talking about Make...
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Cope with Minor Illnesses

It is that time of the year again. Cold Season. When you come down with the sniffles, the flu, or a cold,make sure you take care of it, before it turns into something worse. Don't do too much. If you know you're sick or feel yourself getting a scratchy throat, don't overwork yourself. Get to bed early that...
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Guide To Okinawa Japan

Do you enjoy traveling all over the place? Do you want to explore? Relax? See a completely different place? There are many different places you can explore, like Okinawa Japan. Explore the beauty of Okinawa japan,the rich cultural heritage, and friendly people of the Ryukyu Islands. Get Okinawa Travel Guide at...
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Be a Good April Fooler

April Fools is a great day for pointless and fun pranks. Here are things you will have to learn if you want to have a good time on that day. Just make sure you read everything carefully. Don't forget the warnings. Get up early, read the warnings section to find out why. As you see someone, prepare a plan to...
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Make Friends in Your New Neighborhood

Making new friends in a new neighborhood can be intimidating. Others have established their social structure without you, and you're the outsider. With time, patience, and a little care you'll meet people and fit in. 1. Introduce yourself. "Hi, I'm ___. What's your name?" is simple enough. Pay attention and...
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