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Updating My template

I was browsing for some template for this blog . I know that, it hasn't been long since I change the layout. I wasn't satisfied about it. So, maybe this one will sty here for good. But anyway, I am updating it. My blog roll aren't up yet . Don't be alarm ! I will put it up soon. Sorry for the inconvenien...
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My favorite Buger and Burger Chain

Well! Talking and thinking about hamburger making my mouth water.Once a week, I usually eat hamburger in a fast food chain. This days it's very important that the hamburger chain / restaurant are sanitary. That's what look for when I go to a restaurant/ chain .I used to go to Mc...
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The Democratic National Convention

I never thought that I would be into politics. I never had interest abou politics ever since I got to US. Yes! I have see the past presidents on TV but never paid attention about it. I knew what was going on in the economy and so on and so fort . Last year when Senator Barack Obama...
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Stop Lying

Take a look at why you are lying and you'll find ways to help yourself stop.   Don't over promise. Many lies feel necessary because you've gotten yourself into a situation and you don't know how to get out of it. You can start by not over committing yourself with other...
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Realize Your True Potential

Every human being, regardless of race, creed, sex or spiritual belief, has the incredible capacity to accomplish far beyond their wildest dreams!    Unlearn what you have learned. As children, we all have fantastic dreams of accomplishing what many adults believe to be 'unrealistic'. When we grow...
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Household Hazards

The word home often conjures up thoughts of safety and security. It may make you think of your family, or where you go to escape the stresses of the outside world. But what you may not realize is that while you're enjoying the comforts of home, secret dangers may be potentially threatening the health of your...
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Surprising Things That Pack on the Pounds

Weight gain is about more than just what you eat and drink. These surprising influences could be making you fat.You might know that certain foods and drinks are loaded with hidden calories, but other unexpected factors such as your friends or your zip code could cause you to gain weight. Here are a few surprising...
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9 Easy Ways to Get More Z's

If you can't seem to get a good night's sleep, you're not alone—more than 70 million Americans suffer from sleep problems, according to the National Institutes of Health. The good news is, many of these issues can be solved by simply changing your daily routine and creating a better sleep environment. Follow...
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Reserving Opps at PPP

Have anybody experiencing some difficulty reserving second task at PPP lately? I do, after I had taken the first post and submitted it. I am having trouble taking another task, because it always say that I still have opportunity reserved which I don't have any . I have report this to PPP staffs and they said...
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Amos Tamam

Have you heard about Amos Tamam the actor? If not , well let me tell you a something about him. I don't know him . But he is very well known in Israel as far I know. He is an actor to soap opera in Israel . He was born in Israel on September 6,1977 . Studied in filmography and later on took became as famous...
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How to Ungoogle Yourself

Do unflattering photos or embarrassing blog postings pop up when someone Googles your name? Or are you concerned about your privacy in this new digital age? With Google's excellent indexing of the Internet, the reality is that friends, family members and employers can find out more information about you than...
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I'm Loving it

Thats the Mc Donald thing  I know! But I am not talking about Mc Donald talking about Baskins Robin . That is my favorite Ice ream parlor aside form All Star. I think their Ice cream both taste great.  I can eat their ice cream all day long, the flavor I like is strawberry cheesecake & the cookie...
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How to Be Good Natured and Loving

Although it may seem like some people are born with the capacity to love or with a naturally good nature, it is far more likely that they appear this way because of their upbringing, day-to-day actions and choices. If you wish you were better natured and loving in your day-to-day life, you can make the choice...
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Spring Cleaning

I know it's not spring but hear me out oK?! Spring is a season of new beginnings—a time to open your windows and let the fresh air in. But for many people, spring can be a season of sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes.As the days get warmer, follow these tips to allergy-proof your...
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6 Ways to Save $50 a Week

Cutting a few corners can add up to real savings.Now is definitely the time to figure out how you can save a dime--or, better yet, 500. Think of it like this: If you can hold onto just $50 a week, in one year you'll have saved $2,600, which is a decent sum to feather your nest egg with. But if your budget is...
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The Pros and Cons of Buying in Bulk

Before you join a warehouse club, consider the good and the bad.In the current economic crunch, you might feel the lure of warehouse clubs more than ever. And you wouldn't be alone: While Costco and BJ's Wholesale Club, two of the top three warehouse clubs, reported revenue increases of up to 19 percent in June...
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Everything You need to know about oil

Most drivers know that motors need oil, but for many the understanding stop here. Here are somethings you can do for a better appreciation.How to check your oil Checking your oil is fairly simple procedure. Expert generally agree that it's best to drive a car first before checking it.To take a little spin to...
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The Advantages of prepaid phone cards

When you're on the road, the ability to connect with family, co-workers, clients and friends is more important than ever. Prepaid phone cards are smart solution in terms of cost and convenience.Price savings Making a long distance phone calls on the road can be extremely expensive phone cards can offer domestic...
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How to Serve a Bagel Breakfast

A bagel breakfast isdelicious, easy to prepare, and enjoyed by all. Many like to sharethis treat for a Sunday morning, but you can have one any day ofthe week.IngredientsHalf a dozen of the best bagels you can find (serve 6)1 pound of Nova or Nova Scotia lox3-4 tomatoes2-3 Bermuda...
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Feel and Look Healthy and Pretty

Living a happy, healthy lifestyle can affect how you look. It canbrighten your eyes, bring color to your skin, and make you feellike taking on the day. To look and feel your best, these tips willhelp.Every morning when you wake up, you should say five things thatyou like about your body. Then say five more things...
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The Dirty Truth

Do you want fries with that? How about a side of E. coli? When you graba burger and fries from the local drive-through, you know you'reprobably not getting the healthiest meal. But if you think trans fatsare your biggest concern, you might want to inspect those fries alittle more closely. At some fast-food restaurants,...
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Know Your Sheets

Remember when a sheet was just a sheet? Now adays, it's all about thread count, or so it seems. But that's just one of several factors to consider when purchasing a sheets.Thread count. This refer to the number of vertical(warp) and horizontal( weft) threads in a square inch of fabric. Typically, the higher thread...
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Be Careful Who You Quote

Blogs are common if not universal tools for small and midsize businesses. They communicate new products and offers, open dialogues, and keep your business name out there. But if your blog, like many, includes outside content, you need to start being careful, particularly if the source is the AP.There's more to...
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Surprising Uses for Botox

There's more to Botox than just a pretty face. Doctors are now using the injectable to treat a variety of serious medical conditions.By now, you've probably seen advertisements for Botox--a popular injectable that relaxes targeted muscles to reduce or eliminate surface wrinkles, giving the skin a smoother, more...
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The Benefits of Breast Reduction

From chronic back pain to poor self-esteem, large breasts can present ahost of health problems. Find out whether surgery could ease yourdiscomfort.Contrary to popular belief, large breasts aren't always what they'recracked up to be. For many women, overly large, pendulous breasts canresult in chronic neck and...
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Hysterectomy 101

It's the second most common surgery for American women. But how much do you really know about the procedure? Each year, more than 600,000 hysterectomies are performed in the United States, making it one of the most common women's surgeries--second only ceasarean section. The procedure is so common that one in...
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No More Bad Hair Days

It's one of the few drawbacks of summer: Hair sometimes gets annoyingly out of control. The season's major threats — sun, heat, and humidity, not to mention chlorine and salt water — challenge all hair types, from curly to wavy to straight. The hair pros' secret to lowering the hassle quotient? Make the most...
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What a Gas

Do you find yourself driving across state lines to cut the cost at thepump? Do you fill up on certain days of the week because you know ittypically costs less? There are easier, more efficient ways to beat therise in gas prices. For example, did you know that Americans waste 147million gallons a year due to missing...
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Building Friendships from Casual Friends

Self-Disclosure builds friendships.Self-disclosure is usually the first step in establishing a confidant. And it is scary because of the potential rejection factor. Do it anyway!Start by sharing a few private thoughts and/or feelings with one person you might want for a close friend. If the person is responsive,...
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Friends and Friendship

         What is a friend?Someone who...Accepts you as you are,Believes in "you",Calls you just to say "HI",Doesn't give up on you,Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts),Forgives your mistakes,Gives unconditionally,Helps you,Inspires you to be the best you...
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Friends and Friendship

      It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy.These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave.Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship.Remember when you were young...
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Most Polluted Beaches in America

Summer beach vacations may be an American tradition, but take heed--some of the country’s most popular destinations may be hazardous to your health.Do you remember looking forward to trips to the beach as a child: the anticipation of splashing in the salty water, building sand castles, and running up and down...
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One Two Three tag

I got this tag from Life's All About Thanks for this tag Bonz   3 Facts about Me 1.When I'm angry I get quiet. 2.Miss my kids a lot 3. I get migraine all the time 3 Things that scares Me 1. Terrified with snakes 2. Loosing my love one/family member 3. Senator Omaba...
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