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Pregnant and Depressed

Hormones, body changes and new emotions make you vulnerable to emotional ups and downs during and after pregnancy. Learn to spot the signs of depression so you can take care of you and your baby.What is depression?Depression can be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most...
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   We went for our usual walk today. The wind is blowing so hard and so cloudy , look like storm is coming or something. It's good to go for a walk to relieve some stress . I am stress emotionally and mentally. Sometimes I felt like giving up hope. But I have to kick and move on whatever life brings...
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Strong quake shakes Southern California

What is going on in LA? It's disaster! First they got hit by a fire, that fire is still going on. Now earth quake. LOS ANGELES - A strong earthquake shook Southern California on Tuesday, causing buildings to sway and triggering some precautionary evacuations. There were no immediate reports of damage or...
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My daughter Avory in Whip Cream Face

Here is the picture of my daughter Avory participating activities. She is on the multi color top. Her partner was trying to put whip cream on her whole face . She had to have her face covered with whipped creamand Justin her brother would then throw cheetoes at her face to have...
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This picture is also taken at the first day of camp. My son Justin is on the left side as you see, he doesn't stay clean, and take note that's the first day of camp.(LOL) My daughter Avory is on the far right side wearing a sweater with flash light.                                 ...
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Avory and Her Friends

Here is the picture of my daughter and her friends. My daughter Avory is at the right side sitting with her friend Brianna  the other two is  Clara sitting next to Avory on  the same chair, Natalie is with the dog. Natalie is sister to Brianna. This picture was taken...
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Day One Of Church Camp

Here the picture of my son Justin on the first day of camp , while he is somewhat clean in the woods at Church Ca...
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Church Camp

As I mentioned in my other blog that my kids attended Church Camp on the 21-27 of July. A bunch of church member came from places to attend church at Icicle river in Leavenworth WA. I used to attend. It's always fun to attend church camp. A lot of activities to participate in, some crafts etc.I am going to share...
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He's Growing up so quick

Earlier this week I had share my daughter Avory's ( AJ ) picture here. Now I am sharing my son's picture. He is 11 1/2 years old.  Seem not too long ago when he was a baby and he was just crawling. Now he is so independent in someways. And it's funny, he always tell's me on...
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Be Acceptive of Other Religions

               In this world today, there are many different religions out there. Each one is unique with its own rituals explanation of how the world works. Its easy to compare another religion with your own beliefs and find many differences...
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Just My Luck

Well, PPP has released a bunch of task around 2:00-2:30pm PT . I tried reserving 3 of them but , by the time I click each one of them it's already been taken. It's just because this stupid computer I am using it is so damn slow. It's so prostrating. I guess it's just my luck. Well I try it aga...
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Choose a Mortgage Broker

      Buying a house can be a daunting task, and for a first time borrower you might not know all the ins and outs that are involved in taking out a home loan. A mortgage broker can help - they are the professionals that match your needs with a home loan from a selection of lenders. But...
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Accelerate A Mortgage Pay Off

            A Mortgage is usually the largest debt anyone will ever take on in their life. The average homeowner will pay over double the price of the home when their mortgage is paid off. These strategies are listed from beginner to advanced respectively...
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How to Build a Low Cost WiFi Antenna

             Want to connect to distant WiFi access points (AP)? Build a directional WiFi antenna using off-the-shelf parts, no new software, and without opening your computer case. Major signal boost for about $US30 Get a USB Wireless LAN adapter...
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Cheap Cherokee Scrubs

Nursing is the number one booming job world wide. And it's one of the most high paying job. Becoming a nurse isn't that easy. You have to go through four years of schooling, you have to pass all the test to qualify to be one. Nursing is one of amazing job. The advantage of being a nurse is able to help people...
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Save Money on Food

           This page will give tips on saving money on food in a highly simple manner. These tips shouldn't give much hardship on people and it should help you save money. If the tips do not work, go down to the WARNING. Share food. Usually at restaurants, food...
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My Baby Girl Avory

This is my little girl picture, was just taken last month. She is 8 turning 9 in January. She look all grown up. It's just 8 years ago when she was a little tiny baby. Months & days has gone so fast , sometimes I don't realized how fast they grow. But no matter how she grow up....
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Walking at Green Lake

It was a nice day yesterday . We got the chance to go walking at Green lake. Green Lake is always been crowded specially weekend. A lot of people go there for a walk, rollerblading or just to relax. Green Lake is one of Seattle’s most beloved parks. Its expanse of water and green...
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Slow Monday

It's monday ,beginning of the week. It seems like today is slow day for me. Not only that, it's my laundry day. Sound fun ha! Well it's one of those duty around the house so it's just a normal choire . Plus I didn't have a chance to grab any oppss at PPP today. It's alright, better luck next time right? Aside...
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It's all about Water Melon

A cool wedge of watermelon on a hot summer day? Refreshing, for sure.But watermelon is more than just a seasonal treat. Here are three great health reasons to dig into this juicy fruit: It's loaded with lycopene. Watermelon juice actually gave tomato juice a run for the money in a recent study of lycopene...
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Take Care of Your Skin

Your skin is a living organ that constantly regenerates itself.The outer layer, called the epidermis, is as thin as a pencil line.It consists of a protective layer of skin cells that continuallyshed and give way to new cells. Below the epidermis are the dermisand hypodermis, two layers that produce the oil and...
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Be a Great Basketball Coach

Tips on how become a basketball coach. Seattle Adult Basketball Figure out what kind of coach you want to become: a middle school coach, a high school coach, a college coach, or a pro coach. You can only become a professional coach after gaining some experience elsewhere, so this article will not deal with...
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Check this check. Women needs to pamper them self sometimes right girl? Anyway, I love shopping at Body Central . They the cutiest trends top ever. Not only that. It's cheap and anyone can afford it. I love their outfit. Here are the top that I really like . Girls if you want to...
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Phone Call From a friend of mine

I got a pleasant phone call from my best friend Dabawenya Babe today. We chatted for a while. catch up what is going on our lives.It was nice talking to her. We use to chat at yahoo IM all the time back home. But now that she is here in US, just a phone call away. It's kind of nice knowing that you have a friend...
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Keep a Child Hydrated During Sporting Events

Adolescents and children sweat more than we realize, and as a result they lose a significant amount of body fluid, which contains sodium and potassium. This fluid needs to be replaced to prevent dehydration or more serious heat stroke. Ensure that the adolescent or child drinks 15 to 20 oz of water or sports...
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Calibrate Your Monitor

In order to see images the way they were intended to be seen, your monitor might need to be calibrated. If you're a web designer, digital photographer, or graphic professional, this is especially important. You don't want to spend hours choosing the perfect subtle color scheme only...
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Adapt to Spicy Food

Spicy food is enjoyed the world over. In some countries, like Indonesia, spicy foods are even fed to newborns and only the dying are kept from enjoying everything the spices have to offer. Eating spicy foods will open up a whole new world of culinary delights to those who dare to...
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How to Have a Great Conversation

The art of conversation takes practice, and is not as hard as you might think. It will take some knowledge, practice, and patience, and you can learn to relax and enjoy a great conversation. Listen. This is the most important part of any conversation. You might think a conversation is all about talking, but...
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Saving lives and protecting families...one newborn at a time.

In today's world has to many diseases out there that are contagious. Some are treatable and some are not. Are you an expectant Mom ? If so; maybe this this the right for you to think about preserving your baby's cord blood or the other term called cord blood banking. It is very important. Cord blood banking is...
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Tag & Go

Wanderer got this tag from Loud and raw .And Wanderer, passes this tag to me, thanks sis for this tag.The rules are posted at the beginning. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leave a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them...
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Was Lucky

Well, I log into my PPP account late today. But Luckily , I was able to grab some Opps they have release. I haven't have any opps taken from PPP for a few days now. But Today was my lucky day, considering I log in late. Thanks PPP for giving me the opportunity to take some task from you. I hope I get some more...
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Beautiful Stylish New Frames From Zenni Optical

have you heard about zennioptical.com ? If not here is your chance to browse or shop your very own persicription glasses you ever wanted.Thier glasses are very stylish, passionable to wear. Prices are low, reasonable and affordable,high quality. They all have styles of frame and...
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Stay Safe In The sun

The best time to expose one's body directly to sun is up to 3.00 hrs after sunrise and from 3.00 hrs before sunset. Daily exposure during this period will turn your skin golden and is naturally healthy. Performing Yoga during this period facing the sun by wearing white cotton dress...
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Take Control Stem Cell Innovation for Women

Many women around the world gets diseases in many ways.There are many ways we can do to prevent from getting diseases. When it comes to making major life decisions, there is no time like the present. And when it comes to something as important as collecting potentially life-saving...
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Live Your Dark Chocolate Dream!

Are you craving for some chocolate right now? Well, I am. I'm the kind of person who Love's chocolate so much. In fact I think I am addictive to it. For all chocolate lovers out there. I am inviting you to come and visit the Chocolate Path ; it's a place where you can find a best dark chocolate,they have dark...
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Breast Cancer Awareness

My older sister is a Breast Cancer survivor.I know it for sure that having a breast cancer isn't easy. It's hard to the victim and it's hard for the family. My sister was diagnose 6 years ago. She gone through mastectomy for several months and she gone reconstructive surgery after...
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Carve a Watermelon Swan

A perfect center piece for an informal luncheon, or on a buffet table would be this Swan filled with fresh melons and grapes. Tea sandwiches, coffee and assorted cheeses would compliment the centerpiece. Purchase a watermelon, in any shape you would prefer to see on the table....
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Deadly Bacteria

Germs may be too small to see, but don't let their size fool you: Certain bacteria are terrifying, causing more than 100,000 American deaths each year. To make matters worse, these microorganisms tend to mutate, becoming impervious to the drugs we've developed to defeat them. How can you spot killer bacteria...
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Fourth Of July Health Hazards

Fourth of July is a time for picnics, parades, and of course, patriotism. But for many Americans, the holiday ends very differently than it begins—with a terrifying trip to the emergency room. In addition to common culprits like fireworks and grilling, Independence Day injuries often arise from seemingly safe...
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