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GoldenRest Adjustable Beds

Angel's Daughter

Isn't she a cutie? This a picture invitation that I receive from my long time friend Marife Tuazon (aka angel rose) . I known Angel for almost 7 years now. I meet her at yahoo chat a while back. Like Dabawenya Babe .I have know them for quite a while now. But we haven't seen each...
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Pleasant Weekend

My weekend went well. Weather was pleasant. It's quite warm actually. Went for a walk late yesterday. waited until it cool down a little bit. Was planning for a long walk, but we spotted a lightening & thunder not far away. It's scary , we didn't want to get hit by 'em of course so we cut our long walk to...
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Snoqualmie Falls

Snoqualmie Falls is one of Washington state's most popular scenic attractions. More than 1.5 million visitors come to the Falls every year. At the Falls, you will find a two-acre park, hiking trail, observation deck, gift shop, and the famous 270 foot waterfall.The park and free...
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Take The Time To Pamper Your self

Everyone needs quality time for themselves. Women, especially, need that time to pamper themselves a little after that busy day. As that old saying goes, men may work from sun to sun, but a woman's work is never done. That saying certainly stands true; a little time set aside for yourself isn't too much to ask....
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Reason Why Marriage Makes People fat

You may have heard of the freshman 15-those inevitable pounds college students are likely to gain in their first year. But what about the newlywed 30? 1,200 couples over a five-year period, married people gained six to nine pounds more than their single counterparts. Why does marriage...
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Was sick Yesterday

I started my day late yesterday. I started to check my account at PPP and trying to take the Oppps that I reserve when my sight started spinning.I stopped for a little bit and continue but I couldn't. And I started trowing up. I guessing that maybe something I ate for breakfast.Food poisoning or something. But...
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Find An Excellent DayCare

As a working parent, choosing who will care for your child when you are at work is one of the most important decisions you will make. Begin as soon as possible. Many child care centers have long waiting lists, so it is never too early to start looking. If you are pregnant, start looking for child care for...
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Go Without Eating For Six Hours

Deal with your hunger, without letting it control you! Food. If you know that you will have to go without food more six hours or more, be prepared. Eat a large, healthy, high fiber breakfast. Bring a small snack or two, like a granola bar, or string cheese. Water. Bring at...
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How to use Saran Wrap

If you have been ignorant to the proper usage of saran wrap here are some helpful hints. Put "leftovers" on plate, tray, platter or in a bowl Open Saran Wrap being careful not to cut yourself on the cutting edge (that *is* on the bo) Find the free end of the Saran wrap and pull...
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Start a New Life With a Negative Past

There is only so much we can do to right the wrongs that we have done in the past but when our reputations and character have been destroyed, by vindictive people who are unwilling to forgive us and move on and finding employment becomes difficult. Then it is time...
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Leave The Past behind

When the nights are long and you cannot sleep for all the sadness of a past left unresolved; when you cannot grasp the future squarely and move on; when the past haunts both your woken hours and your dreams... you are in the grip of anxiety and inertia. There will always come a point at which you must cease...
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Know the Difference between Soft Law & hard Law ( International)

If you are studying international law, there is a little notion called "soft law" that can sometimes be confusing to understand. Here is how to tell the difference between soft law and hard law in the context of the international legal system. Learn what the terms "soft law" and "hard law" mean: Soft law means...
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Understand Supply and Demand

Many people quote the laws of supply and demand, but few actually understand how it works. Here is a simple step by step method for thinking through the basic laws of economics. Check your assumptions. The laws of supply and demand are only laws if the good is a commodity like lumber,...
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Could You Have a Crohn's Disease

Every year, an estimated 30,000 Americans are diagnosed with Crohn's disease. However, many people are uninformed about the disease and, as a result, may go undiagnosed. Here, find out about the symptoms, diagnostic methods, and treatments of Crohn's disease, so you can have a better understanding of the condition.What...
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Supermarket Savvy Tips

The next time you head to grocery store, you might want to read this: The average American family spends $4,300 per year on food. This may seem like a lot, but donÂ’t worry: There are ways to cut down on spending and make healthier choices when grocery shopping.First, you need to be prepared. Keep in mind that...
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Surefire Signs of Road Rage

Consider this: Americans spend 100 hours a year commuting but take only 80 hours of vacation annually. Is it any wonder that many of us have road rage? Even so, road rage isn't acceptable. Aggressive driving, which includes speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and not paying full attention to the road, puts...
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Get Paid Posting & Adverstising

Do you want to earn money while staying at home or anywhere you are? Whether you are an advertiser or blogger.Bloggersreview can help you make money. For advertiser, you can create your account for free. It's never been easier to create a buzz for your business, gain exposure most...
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All about Blue Tooth

You probably know bluetooth best for cool, futuristic- looking device that some people use to talk hands-free on their cellular phone. But there are a billion of bluetooth-enabled devices in the world today, and they extend well beyond the realm of mobile phones.Bluetooth Wireless...
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Accessorize Properly

Ok, so you have a cute outfit that just screams your name, but you need more. So you turn to accessories.JEWELERY: First, what are the colors of your outfit? You can either make the accessories pop or blend in. For example, say you have blue jeans and a blue and white striped shirt. If you want to make your accessories...
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Need to accessorize? Here are some ways to do it.Don't go crazy with necklaces. Just keep if fashionable, plain, and simple.Earrings are a MUST! Cute studs like stars or diamonds, or dangly earrings are always cool. If you don't have your ears pierced, you can try clip ons. These can be found at stores such as...
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Show Off Your Curves

f you got it flaunt it! You don't have to look the stick thin models on T.v. After all, real women have curves, smart women know how to show them off! Find the right undergarments. A nice and suitable push-up bra with good support is the #1 must have for showing off your curves. You can be fitted for bras at...
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Are you looking to buy any of the technology product online?Or maybe , you want to give to special someone. Perhaps Cellphones.Father's day is just days away. If so, I would like you to visit this online safe shopping store called TigaDuaCellular. Is a online electronic and gadget retailer and cheapest prices...
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People over the age of 70 had less wrinkling if they ate more vegetables, olive oil, and legumes, and fewer dairy and sugar products. Here are three other foods you should try to make a part of your regular diet. Salmon. It's one of those miracle foods that seems to be good for just...
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Healthy Gifts For Father's Day

Every Father's Day brings the same old conundrum: What should you get the dad in your life? He has enough ties to fill a walk-in closet and so many coffee cups he could start his own diner. This year, why not encourage him to adopt a healthier lifestyle? A lack of exercise and nutritious...
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Things to do in case Of Disaster

* You should not think twice about leaving if: (a) you are under a mandatory evacuation order or (b) a Category 4-5 hurricane is likely and you are within 100 miles of shore; or (c) you live in a manufactured home and a hurricane of any strength is on its way to you; or (d) you cannot shutter or board-up your...
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At The Beginning Of The Hurricane Season

Double-check to ensure the supplies in your Hurricane Preparedness Kit are both well-stocked and fresh. Inflate air beds to assure they don't need patching or replacing. Check expiration dates on canned foods. Use a battery tester so you know they will work when you need them to (most batteries have a tester...
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Loan Remedy

We all know that foreclosure is happening nationwide. Its the number one problem this day because of the economy. Those people out there who needs help stopping and avoiding for closure to of their homes. Advance National Solutions can help you.Either you need mortgage loan,foreclosure help mortgage relief or...
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Throughout The Year

Keep a Hurricane Preparedness Kit packed . This assures that you will lessen the amount of things you'll have to do when the time comes. Also, items such as batteries are easier to find when everyone else isn't panicking. (Hint: Keeping batteries in the freezer does not increase their life by any significant...
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How To Prepare for a hurricane

Hurricane season (usually lasting from June 1 through November 30) can be a nerve racking time for everyone. Not only for those whose homes are in the path of one, but for families and relatives alike who may worry about those people. Preparedness is not just necessary, but having...
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Be Prepared For Natural Disaster

It is best to put two disaster kits together: one for your car in case a disaster strikes while you are away from the house, and another (supplementary) for the house. The kit for the road should include enough supplies for 2-3 days, and the kit for the house should include enough...
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Drink More Water Everyday

There are a variety of reasons to drink plenty of water each day. Adequate water intake prevents dehydration, cleans out the body, and promotes healing processes. Substituting water for beverages high in calories can also help control weight. Follow the steps below to make sure you're...
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Destroy Sensitive Documents

Every month you receive some kind of document with sensitive information on it. This could be a bank statement, credit card statement, pay stub, or a receipt. Throwing these things in the trash is not enough to keep them safe from prying eyes. Your sensitive information must be...
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Act at a Dinner Party

This article will teach you the basic essentials of Dinner Party Etiquette. Read on to learn about good table manners that will help you through any formal or semi formal lunch party or dinner party. Here you will find tips on good table manners that will help you through any formal...
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