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Be a Successful Conference Call

Conference calls may be one of the most excruciating experiences for non-native English speakers. Personally, as a native English speaker, I often have difficulty understanding participants due to a number of factors: Sound quality, subject matter, number of participants, and effective leadership during the call.Articulate...
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Social Marketing Network Called Social Spark

Attention all bloggers and advertiser.IZEA had just launched a Social Marketing Network for bloggers and advertiser called SocialSpark . Its a Marketing newtork that connects advertisers and bloggers through an online advertising market. For advertisers , they will be able to target blogs base on topic and...
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Strange But True

Think you know everything about the human body? Check out some bizarre facts you didn’t learn in anatomy class.The human brain is the world’s most powerful computer. When it comes to sheer computational strength, today’s state-of-the-art processors are still no match for the human mind. The average brain has...
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Black Friday

I/ We all love holidays there is no denying on that.Specially thanksgiving, Christmas when family get together and giving gifts to everyone. For me this two are the busiest holiday season of all. When thanksgiving and Christmas come we/I get so busy. Shopping is very hard when all the store filling up people....
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Accept Who You Are

So, you've been trying to change yourself, and you've decided you might as well give up, but you aren't sure how. So, here you go. Hope this helps...Realize that you aren't going to change anything by putting yourself down. It won't help you accept who you are, it will only make you fall head over heels in depression.Let...
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Dress Fashionably

Ever wonder how certain people always look put together? It's because they're dressing fashionably and have their own sense of style! By following these steps, you can be on your way to having a fantastic, fashionable wardrobe.Organize: Get out all your clothes and decide which ones you want and don't want. Throw...
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Arte Pico Y Award

I got this award from one of my co-blogger name.... Gel Estrada. I appreciate you giving me this award Gel. Thank you.The Rules of this tag are as follows:1) You have to choose five blogs that you consider and deserve this award for their creativity, design,interesting material and...
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Find Your Self Or Someone Else

To find yourself you must be yourself. Your understanding of life will not complete you. Only you through God`s guidance can achieve the limits of your mind.It takes a lot to do this. First of all you can be alone or if not you must have someone that is really close to you in spirit but at the same time you cant...
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Appreciate The Message That Is being Revealed In a short Stories

The messages of some short stories can sometimes be a little complex and indirect for the readers to appreciate. However, follow these set of instructions when you read your favorite short story and you will definitely be able to appreciate and discover the true beauty of the message that is being revealed.Read...
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Avoid breaking Your Headphone

Constantly breaking your headphones? Headphones not sounding great even though you can remember doing anything wrong to them? Here a few a simple things to keep your headphones producing good music....Steps Turn your music down!Not only is loud music likely to ruin your headphones, additionally, it is really...
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Unplug from Techno- stress

Thanks to cell phones, text messages,, emails, blackberry and pagers, you reach almost everyone, anytime , anywhere. As convenient as this technology can be, it can also lead to techno-stress- that panicky, overwhelming feeling you can get when it feels like you just can't unplug. Here what you can do.Prioritize...
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Connect With Your Community

Getting Involved in your community offers a host of benefits. It gives you a chance to use your talents, work with other cultures and increase your social network. Studies show that people who volunteer have higher life satisfaction and fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety.Get Involved.Ask " What needs doing?...
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Allmyfree File Sharing and Download

Here another blog review. This blog is all about a little bit of everything.Like Downloading music, Information on downloading ebook, Internet learning, Downloading software .And it's basically about Tilawatil & Murotal Quran, Quran Reciter and Quran Recitation for Islam and Muslin Religion. You can also...
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Cherry Season

This is a bing cherry.My favorite cheery . Usually sweet and juicy. I can eat a bowl of it a day.There are several kind of cherries, rainee cherry, bing cheery which I really like and I forgot the rest. I post some more about cheries when I remmeber the rest.The Northwest Cherry...
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American to charge checked bags

Slammed by soaring oil prices, the biggest US airline is cutting domestic capacity, cutting staff -- and increasing fees for everything from reservations services to pet travel. American Airlines announced this morning that, as of next month, most passengers will have to pony up $15 for their first checked bag.American...
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Stress Out

So many things in mind. Stress out about things.It doesn't help specially if you want to write about something. Cannot think,Cannot focus, can't put thing together. At night, My body was sleep but my mind feels awake. So exhausted. I'm tired. Have to do something about it..., I don't know what! But something...
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Alaska Air announce a List of Fee changes

In case you missed this news from last week, Alaska Airlines is joining the growing list of U.S. carriers that are revamping their fee structures. In last week's quarterly earnings press release, Alaska Air Group announced "fee changes," saying that "Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air plan to raise certain fees...
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Feeling down

Whether you're feeling down, or are suffering from clinical depression, know that you are not alone, and I promise you that things can get better.We live in an age with more knowledge and treatments for depression and other mental illnesses than ever before! We live in an age with more compassion and understanding...
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Here We Go again

My internet is not cooperating with me today. It's so slow. I lose some PPP opps just because of it.It's very prostrating. I hope I can get it back next ti...
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Walking In The Moment

OK, time for my daily walk. Here I go. Now, what do I need to pick up at the store for dinner tonight? Let's see, the deadline for that big work project is Thursday.While you walk, is your mind racing through a never ending to-do list or chronicle of worries. There's a better strategy. Its called mindful walking...
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Money Making Blog

Kasakk blog is about making money online. He is from India. He has been blogging for a year now.I found his blog interesting And useful. If you are looking for a blog for money,free money making blog information. You came into the right place. On this blog, you will find some interesting topics, like AdSense...
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Secrets All mens Keep

Conventional wisdom holds that men are simple creatures, whose needs and desires can be handily pegged. There's just one catch: Guys often prefer to keep quiet about their health concerns and problems. To promote better communication (and better health), it's important to encourage the men in your life to open...
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Do you struggled of being overweight? Is your self esteem is low just because of it? Don't feel so down or hard on your self.With lapband can change all that for you. Journylite can offer a guarantee weight loss sugery program that will guide you through every steps of your journey....
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China's EarthQuake - Days Of Disaster

Hampered by poor weather (at least for the first day or two) and the blocking of mountain roads by landslides, Chinese troops have been struggling to rescue thousands of people buried in rubble and to bring aid to stricken communities across a wide area of the southwest on the...
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How To Get Over the Loss of a Best Friend

Everyone will lose a friend in there lives.Here are things to learn what to do, and how to feel better. After being hurt or let down by your best friend, try to talk to him/her. Ask them why they have done this, talk to them like an adult. If they decide not to listen to you, turn to your real friends....
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What Is Going On?

I have my three blogs approved by Bloggerwave.com and I have been taking opportunity from them to post on my blog. And believe me it pays well $10 flat . But you need to have a rank to take the oppps. For some reason my blog rank went down to zero , I can't even take of any opportunities. It is very prostrating.I...
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Tobacco: Even more reason to quit

Each year, more Americans die of smoking related diseases than alcohol abuse, AIDS,drug abuse, car accidents, fire , suicide and murder-combined.The truth is that tobacco damges nearly every organ in your body. Consider these facts.Smoking is reponsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States. Each...
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Are You Obsessed With Revenge

Many of us have dreamt of wielding revenge on someone who's wronged us—an ex, our boss, an irritating neighbor. But in real life, retribution isn't always all it's cracked up to be. In fact, letting go of revenge fantasies may be one of the best things you can do for your health.For certain people—especially...
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Best Tips That Moms Give

Remember all those times your mom told you to go to bed early and eat your breakfast? You might not have wanted to admit it back then, but as it turns out, she was right—about almost everything. This Mother's Day, check out this best pieces of advice that moms give. Or better yet, slip them into your mom's card...
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Up Late

Been upgrading my blog template for 2 1/2 days. For some reason, I had been getting error every time I save it. Been prostrated, been exhausted. But I still find myself patient after all this trouble. I told my self to try one more time or I will give up. Finally it got save. I guess it got tired me cursing LOL....
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Template Error

I have been changing the design of my template blog , but I could get it save. Error is coming on, that is why my blog is like this. Been prostrated. I don't know what to do anymore. Anyway I am going to try it again later. Sorry for not my Message Board isn't Back yet. It will be up soon. Sorry for the inco...
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Strangest Beauty At All time

It's often said that beauty is pain--and for a few adventurous souls, the pursuit of beauty can be weird, wacky, and downright dangerous. The unconventional tips they follow? Some may be familiar (dabbing toothpaste on a pimple), while others are simply disturbing (plumping lips via vacuum cleaner). Use Pepto-Bismol...
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Shopping Cart Software

For all the business owner. Have you tried shopping cart features ? If not this is the right time to put your business on the next level. take full control of your business. Why not use shopping cart features . Take advantage of the 10 day free trial. Shopping cart software features are is very convenient for...
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Blog Of The Day

I was logging unto my blog and I got a lot of traffic today, Congratulating me being on PPP as BLOG OF THE DAY. I didn't even noticed when I log on to PPP this morning.Felt nice to see my blog on PPP's blog of the Day. Thanks guys for the visit and for congratulating me, and thanks to Payperpost ffor choosing...
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Scariest Modern Health Risks

From famines and floods to wars and pandemics, the world has always been a dangerous place. But these days, the very innovations we rely on for modern convenience may be ruining our health. Is your cell phone or iPod making you sick? Could your deodorant, antibiotics, or bottled water be toxic? Computers. Sending...
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immigration reform or racial profiling

A daily walk with Bill & Gina's blog. Their recent entry is about immigration reform or racial profiling . Bill & Gina reside in the beautiful state of Arizona. Their recent post was immigration reform or racial profiling which is going on their state and as they said that if the country or their county...
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What Would You do?

What would you do if you see a bunch of teenager making fun with someone who is slow and cannot depend his/her self? Would you stop and try to stop it? Or would you just walk away and let them continue what they are trying to do with the other person?If you ask me! I would get into it and try to stop the none...
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