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Happy New Year

I wasn' sure if i am ready for another year to come. ( that means i am a year older whoaaaaa).But anyway... Its another year.. its a year to start a new beginning in our lives. Sometimes we have to leave behind whatever nightmare we had in the last year and we have to face the present...
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New Year's Resolution Tips

Like many things in life, New Year's resolutions are easy to make—and easy to break. Follow these strategies to make your goals last. 1. Keep it real. If you've been a couch potato for years, it's unlikely you'll morph into a bodybuilder after the ball drops. Instead, set your sights on hitting the gym a few...
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A birthday Greetings for my Very Best Friend "GLADYS"

I have known a friend for 6 years now. She had been there for me for all time. We cried and laugh on the phone I remember. You are very dear friend to me Gladys.This Poem is for you my Friend.When I cry you help me outWhen I'm happy you hear me shoutWhen I grin you know I'm really...
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Everytime Holidays ( Thanks giving , Christmas etc. ) comes everyone get's to stress up and busy. I have been. Been busy helping out my inlaws for those holidays. Had been going to bed late at night. Holidays was nice , its because it will give family to get together and catch up what's going on on everyone's...
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Joke Of the Day

It was the day after Christmas at a church in San Francisco. Pastor Mike was looking at the nativity scene outside when he noticed the baby Jesus was missing from the figures. Immediately, Pastor Mike turned towards the church to call the police. But as he was about to do so, he saw little Jimmy with a red wagon,...
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You’ve just finished a pasta dinner, and you’re stuffed. So you put on your sweatpants and plop down in front of the TV to relax for the night. But before you know it, you’ve finished half a bag of potato chips. Welcome to the world of mindless eating.If you’re ready to stop eating everything in your line of...
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This year, you've vowed to lose weight, shape up, and cut back on caffeine. Or perhaps you're determined to quit smoking for good. Maybe you’ve decided it’s time to get to bed early, no matter what. If any of this sounds familiar, you’re not alone—more than 100 million Americans make New Year’s resolutions every...
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Cancer Fighting Foods

While there’s no single food that can protect you against cancer completely, a growing body of research suggests that certain edibles can help to reduce your risk. Some of these foods and spices may thwart the onset of the disease, while others can help to limit the spread of cancer cell growth.According to the...
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Happy Holiday to all

I Just wanted to greet everybody a Merry Christmas / Happy holiday to you all. And May the Lord bless eveyone of you .Hope everyone have a great one this year and the year to come. Merry X ...
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7 Holiday stressbuster

Which holiday activities cause you stress? Spending time with your in-laws? Preparing holiday meals? Making sure all the gifts are wrapped in time? If these tasks leave you feeling overwhelmed, follow these tips to make the season more enjoyable. 1. Be realistic. Existing family problems don't magically go away...
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Holiday Shopping on a Budget

Technorati ProfileWith the holidday shopping season around the corner, many consumers are evaluating their holiday spending activities. Often shopping budgets can soar into the thousands of dollars which may leave many consumers paying for gift purchases well into the New Year. For those on a tight budget,...
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Weather Changing

Weather change to Spring to Summer; Summer to Fall; Fall to Winter.Like the weather, our climate is changing all the time. Some changes come about naturally as a result of global climatic cycles. Others may come about because of human activity such as the burning of fossil fuels.Much in our lives depends on our...
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Fraud Email

I was checking my email this morning and I got this email about me winning the Lottory From British Lottory International. I Have heard some of fraud email before. I was curious so I Google their website and i was right it was a fraud. My advise to those people who are getting this kind of emails. " Do not"...
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In nature, some animals, including humans, must kill others for food to survive. Other animals, like humans and housecats, kill for pleasure. This is natural, but many people feel that as human beings we must not be cruel or kill unnecessarily. Human rights are fundamental to most people’s understanding of how...
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Next wintry blast 'much more powerful'

Residents in the Northeast were digging out of a major snowfall Friday and the midsection of the country was still without power after a deadly ice storm as both regions prepared for another major wintry blast.As the ice storm moved east from the Midwest it changed from ice to snow...
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Life is what we make it

This is a saying that really meant something. Sometimes we choose things for our lives eventhough its worth it or not .Sometimes it is up to us to deal with it. We cannot blame someone for our lives if it turn up bad. It was our own choice, we choose our path for a reason. That why the called it" Life Is What...
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You may have heard people talking about how the weather is very different today than it was ten years ago. You may have noticed changes in the weather yourself. The earth's climate has changed many times over millions of years, sometimes slowly, sometimes very quickly. What makes climate change different today?...
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"The Age of Easy Energy is Over"

Right now, oil prices are higher than they theoretically should be. They should sit around the level of production costs – around 55 to 60 dollars a barrel - but they aren’t because of fears over supply shortages. Despite a weak U.S. economy, where oil demand is down about two percent on last year, the world...
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Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer usually happens in women over age 50, but it can also affect younger women. Its cause is unknown. Ovarian cancer is hard to detect early.The sooner ovarian cancer is found and treated, the better your chance for recovery. But ovarian cancer is hard to detect early....
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WaMu exits subprime business and lays off workers

SEATTLE — Washington Mutual (WM), the nation's largest savings and loan, is closing offices and laying off workers in response to problems in the mortgage and credit markets.The Seattle company says it's closing 190 of 336 home loan centers and sales offices. It's closing WaMu Capital, its broker dealer business.It's...
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More companies focus on preventing staph infections

Employers are beginning to react to the new health risk posed by antibiotic-resistant staph infections, a hazard that has spread beyond hospitals into schools and now workplace environments.•This fall, an employee in the office of the Will County circuit clerk's office in Joliet, Ill., contracted a case of antibiotic-resistant...
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Winter is here. Its cold I am still trying to adjust to the weather in US eventhough I been here for almost 12 years. Snow is very pretty specially at night. Winter snow it can pretty but it can nasty too. You can snow boarding and sking, slading make a snow man, and a lot more...
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First Born

It hasn't long ago long ago when i had my first child. It was amazing feeling to glance your first baby at the first time. You will have a mix feelings that cannot explain. But it was all good.Today my fisrt child " a son" is turning 11. They grow so quick. It hasn't long ago that they were cocoing , trying to...
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Washington Storm

OLYMPIA — Major flooding and high winds that downed trees and knocked out power left two people dead and closed a major interstate highway in Southwestern Washington, officials said Monday.Gov. Chris Gregoire declared a state of emergency in response to the brutal winter storm that hit Western Washington, and...
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Women's Heart Advantage

Cardiac Services at California Pacific Medical CenterThe Women’s Heart Advantage (WHA) is an initiative sponsored by the Sutter Health in conjunction with the Women’s Heart Advantage program. WHA seeks to increase awareness and knowledge about the nature and risks of heart disease in women. Through WHA we hope...
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Holidays brings heart attacks along with the revelry

Those lords-a-leaping and ladies dancing may want to consider the downside of the holidays: Heart attack season has arrived.December and January are the deadliest months for heart disease, and many of the things that make the season merry are culprits: Rich meals, more alcohol -...
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Too Much Sodium in Diet Harmful to Americans' HealthIt's recommended that Americans eat a teaspoon or less of salt per day. But most of us eat about twice that much.Later today, the Food and Drug Administration will hold hearings to discuss whether it should create warning labels...
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Global economies resilient amid US financial turmoil: Citigroup

SINGAPORE: The global economy will see a slowdown in growth next year but not a collapse, says banking giant Citigroup. It says the global economy will be able to withstand current stresses from the US housing sector, high oil prices and a weak US dollar. At the same time, Citigroup expects growth in emerging...
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